Rutherford DUST

California’s best-known terroir is found near the center of Napa Valley: Rutherford. The “dust” of Rutherford is one of Napa Valley’s most succinct terms, evoking in four simple letters a specific place and a complex set of flavors. Rutherford dust…has a nuance of forest floor. Imagine going for a walk in the woods, and as you walk down the path, you are crunching over dead leaves and branches, kicking up dust. It’s a combination of forest floor aromatics.

Abundant sunshine and warm temperatures allow Rutherford’s grapes to reach optimal maturity over the course of the growing season, producing deep, richly flavored wines. Rutherford summer days are also blessed with damp, cooling fog rising northwards up the valley from the Bay Area. The fog is sufficient to moderate the hot Californian sunshine, which might otherwise overcook the grapes, depriving the wines of aromatic complexity and the acid structure essential in all cellar-worthy wines.

Well Known Rutherford Cabs: Duckhorn, Frog’s Leap, Lail, Reynolds, Stags Leap, Flora Springs, Caymus, Honig

Wines at Farina that are all or in some part Rutherford appellation:

Acclaimed Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon

Clos de Napa Rutherford

Frog's Leap Cabernet Sauvignon

Lail Blueprint Cabernet Sauvignon

Reynolds Estate Cabernet Sauvignon

Crane Assembly Disciples

Elyse Zinfandel Morisoli Vineyard

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